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The fitness industry has long been plagued by fear-mongering tactics that prey on individuals’ anxieties about weight loss and health. Recently, an episode of Joe Rogan’s podcast sparked controversy when comedian Joey Diaz claimed that blending bananas, as opposed to eating them whole, was “killing you” and contributing to weight gain. Let’s dive into Joey’s […]

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In the pursuit of weight loss, we often focus on diet and exercise, but there’s a crucial factor that tends to be overlooked: sleep. The relationship between sleep and fat loss is not a simple one, but numerous studies reveal the significant impact that sleep, or the lack thereof, can have on our bodies. While […]

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In the pursuit of optimal athletic performance and overall fitness, the debate between static and dynamic stretching techniques has long intrigued athletes, trainers, and exercise enthusiasts alike. The question arises: Which approach is more beneficial for enhancing performance and reducing the risk of injury? To shed light on this age-old conundrum, we delve into the […]

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When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, it’s not just about lifting weights or going through the motions of a workout routine. The true key to unlocking your full potential in the gym lies in establishing a powerful connection between your mind and muscles. This phenomenon, known as the mind-muscle connection, is a fundamental […]

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In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and achieving our fitness goals, it’s not uncommon for questions about the role of alcohol to arise. For many, the idea of sipping on a glass of wine or enjoying a social drink can feel like a guilty pleasure when working towards fat loss. However, as we delve […]

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Recently, I was scrolling through TikTok when I came across a sound bite where an individual was explaining that the role of parental support and encouragement in shaping a child’s behavior is well-established, and maternal exercise, in particular, has been linked to fostering a positive attitude towards physical activity.  I reached out to our Chief […]

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